Kracht in de klas, Mens- en organisatieontwikkeling

Geen Netflix, maar een TED-talk
Rita Pierson, al 40 jaar docente, hoorde ooit een collega zeggen: "Ik word niet betaald om de kinderen aardig te vinden." Haar reactie: "Kinderen leren niet van mensen die ze niet aardig vinden." Een bezielende oproep aan docenten om te geloven in hun leerlingen en verbindingen met hen aan te gaan op een menselijk, persoonlijk niveau.
Van de TED website
Rita F. Pierson spent her entire life in or around the classroom, having followed both her parents and grandparents into a career as an educator.
Why you should listen
Rita F. Pierson, a professional educator since 1972, taught elementary school, junior high and special education. She was a counselor, a testing coordinator and an assistant principal. In each of these roles, she brought a special energy to the role -- a desire to get to know her students, show them how much they matter and support them in their growth, even if it was modest.
For the past decade, Pierson conducted professional development workshops and seminars for thousands of educators. Focusing on the students who are too often under-served, she lectured on topics like “Helping Under-Resourced Learners,”“Meeting the Educational Needs of African American Boys" and "Engage and Graduate your Secondary Students: Preventing Dropouts."
Pierson passed away in June 2013.
What others say
“Parents make decisions for their children based on what they know, what they feel will make them safe. And it is not our place [as educators] to say what they do is 'wrong.' It's our place to say maybe we can add a set of rules that they don't know about.” — Rita Pierson